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Leabhar Books was born from the desire to bring wonderful authors and books to the Brazilian public, which are published daily in English and Spanish, to which few readers have access because of difficulty with the language. We have an efficient team of translators, proofreaders, graphic designers and digital marketing experts, as well as a team of exclusive reviewers, focused on dissemination. We work with dedication and commitment, having as main objective the quality of each book, in each phase of the process, respecting the author, the work and the public. Our publications are 100% digital and will be available as e-books on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited or in Amazon and several platforms such as Apple, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Lev, amongst others, 
We also receive works from independent authors, with a particular interest in the historical and contemporary novel for the general public, but especially the feminine that usually identifies and enchants with beautiful love stories.
If you are interested in publishing your work in Brazil and believe that your book fits our proposal, send us your manuscript for editorial analysis using the form below.

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If you have another genre to add, put it in the Comments section

It is part of some trilogy or series
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If your book is available on Kindle Unlimited, just send us the link in the comments below.

We will respond after review

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